Sunday, August 31, 2008

ChAnGe a BeTTeR LiFe!

I am so RoTTen, SiCk and LoOk DisGusting these days!
Never read books, always online late untill 4 am, eat too much and getting even more fatter, hang out late, spent too much money...
HaTe Myself now!!! GOod Girl Gone Bad!!
Preparing a ChanGe...
From now on, work hard, don't open computer unless a emergency case, On dieT to LOSE WEIGHT, and and and Save Save Save money$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!
No MoRe BOring Jokes anymore!


Raymond Choo said...

Same here.. we experience the same life except the part i need diet..
that is what i call university life..
just enjoy it ya..haha..
Hope you know who am i..

Unknown said...
